Happy Birthday to Maureen - September 23
Happy Birthday to Julie J - September 28
Happy Birthday to Julie G - October 11
Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEEE - October 19
and, more....Megaletty Hanson - October 21
plus, Missy Malinda Gallaher - November 6

We've had some babies recently, with the newest being, Baby Josephine, daughter of Joey Kerr (Wayne's nephew) The McFadden's have also added to their cuteness troop. Send me some pictures and we'll post em.

And some graduations. Besides Liesel from UCI, Justine Jacobs-Baron, my grand-daughter, graduated from 8th grade, Maureen McFadden's husband Billy graduated from the SF Conservatory of Music, and Lilliana Grace Keller, graduated from high school and headed off for college as we speak! Else? speak up!
If this is confusing for anyone, look for a family tree coming soon. I think Julie should create that, now don't you! Hear Hear! Yes...Let's have Julie do it!