Friday, March 12, 2010

Meet the New Volunteer at the WPA Rock Garden - Me!!!

I started yesterday and it feels so right! I'm going to work every week, which allows me to get inspired by the great Daisy Mah. Here are some pictures from my first day:
Iberis sempervirens 

Flowering Crabapple 


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Garden Sprouts: Fairytale Town Goes Green

March 13th - Green Day at Fairytale Town in Sacramento

Geno's Garden: Sacramento Valley Garden Events

March 13 - 14, 2010 - What's Happening This Weekend!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What's Blooming in my yard - March 1

a wee dianthus...

a flowering plum from over the fence? This photo makes me dizzy!

my front yard forsythia...

...the never ending forget-me-not...aptly named (can't forget something that NEVER leaves!), oh, and have you experienced those clinging seeds?

one of my two blueberry plants (highly photoshopped!), the earliest to leaf out! interesting. O.K., I took a closer look at their tags. This one is a Southmoon. It's a midseason blueberry. The lagger is an Ozarkblue, a late season blueberry. Figures! I thought they were both Southern Highbush Blues that do well in us warmer climated areas, but the Ozarkblue tag says it's a northern x southern hybrid.

That's all for today, folks! (She said to herself.)